They are just the persons to appreciate the wholesome gush of natural feeling, the honest affection, the simple joy, the fullness of contentment with what they love. 他们所欣赏的只是感情的自然流露、真诚的爱、朴素的乐趣以及与所爱的人在一起时的满足。
But the nothing important can impede the natural affection that we exist. 但是没什么能阻挡我们之间存在的亲情。
My thankful heaven gives the my bright eye and flexible lifes, my thankful heaven gives my precious natural affection and friendships. 我感谢上苍赋予我明亮的眼睛和鲜活的生命,我感谢上苍赐予我珍贵的亲情和友情。
Bull; Therefore, the coconut juice is the rare natural vegetable-protein drink, will be more and more person understandings and the affection. 因此,椰子汁是不可多得的天然植物蛋白饮料,会被越来越多的人了解和喜爱。
It would be the natural result of your affection for her. 这是您疼爱她的必然结果。
A horse's natural desire for affection can be extended and enlarged. 马对感情的本能渴望能扩大和增强。
The comity needs whole life to cherish, the natural affection needs whole life career! I love you my friend! 友谊需要一生珍惜,亲情需要毕生经历!我爱你我的朋友!
Know love toward the sublimating of natural affection; 懂得爱情向亲情的升华;
I want to open the treasure box of the memory port, diligent seek, work hard to see, to the feeling the natural affection and the friendship that I own. 我要打开记忆的宝盒,努力的寻找,用心去看,去感悟我所拥有的亲情和友情。
At natural affection with love, I can choose the natural affection. 在亲情和爱情之间,我只能选择亲情。
This is a natural attitude of life, it is a kind of mood cheerful affection. 这可真是一种潇洒的人生态度,这可真是一种心境爽朗的情感风貌。
That under that tough leather shell is just a gooey caramel center. It was but the natural consequence of a strong affection in a young and ardent mind. 在硬皮革的外壳下还是有颗火热的心这不过是一颗年轻火热的心灵中强烈的爱慕之情非常自然的表现。
To her it was but the natural consequence of a strong affection in a young and ardent mind. 在她看来,这仅仅是热情奔放的年轻人倾心相爱的必然表现。
There is a such grandmother, I enjoy to heavy natural affection. 有了一个这样的奶奶,我享受到了浓郁的亲情。
The delicate wardrobe is not only the store of beautiful dresses, but the pretty decoration of the sweet space, which accomplishes the care of natural affection. 精巧的衣柜不只是霓裳艳装的收容所,也是温馨空间的靓丽装扮,在悄无声息中完成对亲情的不渝守护。
Mr Trung has designed Aiko with a touch-sensitive face and body so she reacts in a natural way if she is shown affection or hurt. 爱子的脸和身体具有触摸感应性,所以当受到关爱或伤害等行为的刺激时,她会做出十分自然的反应。
A natural fear of nuclear war; natural immunity; a grandparent's natural affection for a grandchild. 对核战争的自然的恐惧;自然免疫;祖父母对孙子女的自然的疼爱。
There are lots of factors that can affect the natural ventilation, such as the flow way and velocity of wind which can produce huge affection but is difficult to be considered by quantity. 影响自然通风的因素很多,海上的风向、风速会对自然通风产生很大的影响,但是由于其不确定性,在设计时难以对其进行定量分析。
There are not only karst features under the natural conditions but also geological affection of human activity, that is influence and changes of sea salt water intrusion. 其中,既有自然环境条件下形成的岩溶特征,又有人类活动的地质效应&海咸水入侵的影响和改造。
Lawsuit is not the only feasible way to safeguard citizens 'natural rights because a society ruled by law is also the society which is in need of affection. The paper suggests people take a fresh look at settling civil disputes by lawsuit. 法治社会也是一个需要亲情的社会,以道德解决家庭纠纷同样能带动市场经济的发展,因而提倡法律与道德共同担负治理社会之责,建议在民事纠纷中尽量减少使用诉讼途径。
Today, to the human, cultural and historical and natural design shouting, they have more and more affection during the diversified design current in this world. 今天,人性的、文化的、历史的和自然的设计理念,在世界多元化的设计思潮中影响越来越大。
1803 is the division point distinguishing his styles, before which the poems are fresh and natural with spirit and romance, and after that the poems are profound, rational with affection and sentiment. 1803年成为华兹华斯自然诗作风格的分水岭,前期多表现得清新、自然,充满灵动与浪漫,后期多表现得深刻、理性,充满爱意与伤感。
This mode of teaching includes three parts: "walk close to the natural the cognitive education of environment"," experience the natural attitude and affection education"," protect the natural the education of environmental behavior ". 该教学模式包括走近自然环境认知教育、感受自然态度和情感教育、保护自然环境行为教育三个部分组成。
Being closed at home for long, women's natural affection and humanistic care have been conserved fortunately, but meanwhile also brought out lack of their social class and ego elapse. 由于女性长期封闭在四墙之内,她们的自然情感和人性化的关怀得以幸存下来,但,同时也造成了女性社会地位的缺失、自我的隐匿。
The characteristics of primitive female consciousness can be concluded as the primitiveness of female, the natural authority, maternal love, motherly affection, constant heroic deeds for the group, and the daring unselfishness. 把原始女性意识概括为女性的原始性、自然权威性、母爱、母情、慈母性、为群体利益而自强不息的英雄性和勇于牺牲的奉献精神等。
So this thesis will attempt to focus on the study of the translation of emotional cultures in Friends, for example: the translation of the natural affection, love and friendship. The translation of these elements is closely related to cultural interpretation. 本文则集中研究对其情感文化元素的翻译,比如对亲情、友情和爱情表述的翻译。
Visual based hand gesture recognition captures the hand motion without contact which can be thought as a natural interactive approach, but suffer the affection of viewpoint, background and so on. 基于视觉的手势识别利用摄像头对手势动作实施非接触式捕获,是一种较为自然的交互方式。但是容易受到于视角,背景等因素的影响。
Filial piety root in the most basic and the most natural blood affection, admittedly, filial piety is biological evolution and social adults to the results of the edification of the culture. 孝悌来自于人类最基本最自然的血缘亲情,也是生物进化和社会文化共同熏陶的结果。
At first, the thesis illuminates the humanity foundation. The most important of it is the thought of toleration and concealment on the basis of natural affection as well as the thought of self-defense on the basis of conflict of interest. 本文首先阐述了期待可能性理论的人性基础,其中最为重要的是基于亲情之爱的容隐思想和基于利益冲突而迫不得已的自卫思想。
It is a natural need for student to demonstrate a positive affective behavior in school learning and life. Preface: Affected by the traditional educational thoughts and exam-oriented education, some teachers always obliterate the unexpected affection in teaching practice. 导言:在地理教学实践中,受传统教育思想及应试的影响,部分教师的一些教学行为反而抹杀了学生灵光乍现的情意,而且习以为常。